


宝石宝贝小明星是对岩石和矿物世界感兴趣的 12 岁以下儿童而设计的活动项目。我们希望向我们的孩子展示,他们可以通过学习宝石来找到自己的梦想和激情! 宝石宝贝小明星是新加坡宝石博物馆的儿童部。多年来,我们有孩子陪伴我们一起长大,从 4 岁到青春期,仍然对宝石、岩石和矿物的独特性充满热情。 













展示内容丰富,导游对孩子们来说相当不错! - 谷歌评论

Pearlyn Foo,宝石宝贝小明星妈妈


新加坡宝石博物馆的部分使命是为我们的孩子创造一个探索宝石“从采矿到市场”之旅的空间。 宝石宝贝小明星的想法是在 2012 年构思出来的,当时联合创始人 Loke Huiying 女士前往澳大利亚布里斯班,协助 郑泰山 先生教导由澳大利亚国家珠宝估价师委员会组织的翡翠课程。


宝石宝贝小明星计划随后开始作为远东宝石学院的一个项目进行开发。在 2015 年宝石博物馆出现之前,我们与社区俱乐部和学前班进行了一些试点。随后,宝石宝贝小明星计划在新加坡的家庭教育社区中流行起来。迄今为止,我们已经接触了大约500名儿童,其中许多与我们一起成长,成为优秀的年轻人。


Currently, Junior Rockstar Program has evolved to include 宝石历险记, Pet Rock and Jewellery Craft. All of which are on-site activities. In 2020, Covid-19 propelled the team to move the mine to market program online. Hence, now we have Gem Adventure online too! Children get to have hands-on activities during the online session, as they will receive a gem kit as part of the program.


我们的愿景是和孩子们一起成长:与他们一起体验、一起学习知识、一起建立认同感。因为我们相信,孩子们是上帝赋予我们的礼物 -- 他们就是我们最为珍贵的宝石!

gem kids

宝石宝贝小明星于 2014 年作为新加坡远东宝石学院的一个项目开始。试运行在内部进行,然后在乡村俱乐部进行。当 宝石博物馆 于 2015 年成立时,宝石宝贝小明星便被进一步引入社区。 

学前班和充实中心与我们联系,在学校假期期间为他们的孩子举办有趣的活动。很快,宝石宝贝小明星的宝石探险项目也 慢慢在新加坡的家庭教育社区中流行起来。 

迄今为止,我们已经接触了 500 多个孩子,其中许多是和我们一起长大的!我们的愿景是与我们的孩子在经验、知识和身份上共同成长,因为我们相信孩子是上帝的礼物,他们是我们的宝贵财富!



Register for the Junior Rockstar program and get ready to learn about gemstones, crystals and more!


We located at Rochor, just beside Exit B of Rochor MRT, nearby to the Indian Heritage Center, Opposite of La Selle School of the Arts.

我们很高兴很快在 宝石博物馆 见到您!

Discover the Perfect Learning Journey for Preschoolers at The Gem Museum

Looking for educational field trips in Singapore that excite and engage young minds? The Gem Museum offers a unique and enriching experience designed for preschoolers, making it an excellent destination for your next learning journey for preschool classes.

Why Choose The Gem Museum?

  1. Hands-On Learning Activities for Young Children
    The museum’s exhibits are designed to spark curiosity with interactive workshops for preschoolers. From handling safe gem samples to participating in creative activities, children get a tactile and immersive learning experience.

  2. Kid-Friendly Museum in Singapore
    The Gem Museum is tailored to young learners, ensuring every exhibit and activity is accessible and engaging for little hands and minds.

  3. Preschool STEM Activities in Singapore
    Introduce your students to the wonders of science through science exploration trips for preschool. Learn about the formation of gemstones and their properties in a way that’s easy for young children to understand.

  4. Interactive Learning Journeys in Singapore
    The museum’s guided tours are interactive and include a storytelling journey for children, helping them connect with the fascinating world of gems and minerals.

  5. Creative Play Workshops for Young Children
    Enhance the visit with optional workshops such as gem art or rock painting, perfect for stimulating creativity and motor skills development.

Sensory and Fun Learning Opportunities

The Gem Museum offers fun and educational trips for preschool classes with elements of sensory play workshops for children, ensuring a memorable and enriching experience for every child.

Plan Your Visit

Organizing a trip to The Gem Museum is simple and hassle-free. Their friendly staff can help tailor the visit to meet the needs of your class, ensuring it’s both fun and educational.

To book a child-friendly educational attraction for your preschoolers, reach out to The Gem Museum today. Let’s make your next learning journey a sparkling success!

Contact The Gem Museum to discuss how they can create a memorable learning experience for your preschool class!


9 Perak Road Singapore 208130

+65 6734 4172
